Saturday, October 20, 2012

Immune-system-boosting Recipes

I've had a seriously evil head cold for a week now. I haven't been able to miss enough work or life to get the rest I need and my poor body is really having a hard time. So, today, I slept in, got up, did all my meal planning and set about making a few immune-system-boosting recipes. Fruits and vegetables to the rescue!!!  

I started with a nice, tall glass of homemade chard-carrot-apple-garlic-ginger juice: 3 chard leaves/stems, 4 large carrots, 1 apple, 1 clove of garlic, and 1" piece of fresh ginger. Sounds nasty, tastes AMAZING!! 

While trying to figure out how I was going to use the other 52 carrots in my fridge, I came across this little Carrot Cilantro Soup number over at I added extra Siracha just for good (decongestant) measure and used up at least a quarter of the metric shit-ton of carrots that showed up in my last two produce boxes. Apparently beta carotene has the ability to boost the body's production of T cells and other disease killing agents. I added a healthy portion of garlic, too, which is has historically been used to shorten the duration and symptoms of colds. This is one the best new soups I've come across in a while. If you're thinking about skipping the cilantro, don't! It's what really makes this recipe special. 

I also had a couple of persimmons show up in the produce delivery this week and when I found this healthy-sounding Black Bean, Persimmon, and Avocado Salad online, I immediately gravitated toward it for the all of the vitamin C that it packed. Wait, w
ho am I kidding, this recipe pretty much had me cumin vinaigrette.  I added a red bell pepper to the mix because they are packed with immune-system-supporting goodies like vitamins C, A, E, and B-6. 

There. At least now I'm hoping that my immune system can't complain that it's not getting the fuel it needs to do its job! Rest; well that's a whole other can of vegan gummy worms.