Note: I almost never make this with the kielbasa, if you do use it, add it just before you serve each bowl of soup or it will turn soggy and nasty. So, I leave you with a great soup to slurp on while you're rooting on your favorite team. And on that note, GO SEAHAWKS!!!!
Cabbage & Beer Soup - serves 8
1 half of a large head of cabbage, cored and shredded or thinly sliced
2 large carrots, peeled and shredded
6 cups vegetable broth
1 can (12 ounces) pilsner beer (I use Miller Lite, because I know it's vegan)
1/2 tsp caraway seeds
2 cups french fried onions, divided
1 pkg vegan kielbasa (optional)
vegetable spray
salt & pepper to taste
1. Coat stock pot with nonstick cooking spray and saute the sliced kielbasa (if using) over medium high for 5 minutes. Stir often and try to brown the pieces as evenly as possible. Remove and set aside.
2. Spray the stock pot again and saute cabbage/carrot until translucent and tender about 10 minutes.
2. Add broth, beer, seeds, and one cup of fried onions. Bring to a boil then reduce to low and simmer uncovered for 20 minutes. Add salt & pepper and adjust seasonings and cook for another 10 minutes. Spoon soup into bowls, add vegan kielbasa, and top with remaining onions.