Monday, October 18, 2010

Emergency Cooking

Lately, I've been finding myself so devoid of time and/or energy that I rarely cook (see my last post regarding the extent of my husband's cooking abilities and what I've been subsisting on). Seriously, my poor husband has been trying to carry the full cooking and cleaning burden for a while now and I probably would've croaked by now without his "hunting" and gathering efforts. One night last week he brought home Amy's Pizzas and another night he waited in an agonizing line at the PCC deli only to return home with easily three of the worst vegan dishes either of us have ever had the misfortune of tasting. Now, I find myself in emergency cooking mode; firstly, because I can’t take another husband-supplied meal, but, more importantly, tomorrow is produce-delivery day and I’ve still got a fridge full of produce!

Immediately, I ransacked my refrigerator finding a whole lot of crap, but little of anything that would go together. I settled on a bok choy that looked like it was in the direst need of getting cooked up; now, what to do with him? Luckily, I found a mercifully simple recipe in my cooking bible, “1,000 Vegan Recipes” (Robin Robertson). Thank you “Bok Choy & Ginger Udon Noodles”!! I don’t think it’s very fair that the shallots got left out of the title, so I’m renaming it “Bok Choy & Ginger Udon Noodles STARRING...Shallots!!!!”. The shallots paid me to say that.

Now if I had been just a little smarter I would’ve added some mushrooms to this dish, but I can’t really be relied on for my brain-power these days. So, please enjoy this hearty, healthy, EASY dish. Just don’t ask me to cook it for you, ‘cause I’m all out of steam. It’s nothing fancy, but perfect for those nights when you’re feeling lazy and/or exhausted and happen to have a neglected bok choy's fate in your hands.

Bok Choy & Ginger Udon Noodles with Shallots (modified)

1 large bok choy, cut into ¼” slices
4 ounces of udon noodles
1 tbs. sesame oil
2 tbs. tahini
3 tbs. soy sauce
1 tbs. mirin
2 tbs. canola oil
½ c. thinly sliced shallots
1 tbs. grated fresh ginger
¼ tsp. crushed red pepper
1 tbs. toasted sesame seeds

1. Lightly steam the bok choy until just tender, about 3 minutes. Set aside.
2. Cook the udon in boiling water until tender about 7+ minutes. Drain, rinse under cool water, and place in a bowl. Toss with sesame oil.
3. In a small bowl, combine the tahini, soy sauce, mirin, water and stir to blend.
4. Heat canola oil over medium-high in wok or large skillet. Add shallots, ginger, and crushed red pepper. Saute for a few minutes. Add the bok choy, noodles, and sauce. Cook until hot, about 5+ minutes. Top with sesame seeds.

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